Wednesday, December 16, 2009

"In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6

Thank you very much for taking the time to read my blog! Your support means than I could ever express. In the future, I will be sharing stories from the mission field, so for this post I am thankful for the opportunity to share with those of you I am just now meeting how God has directed my life into His service. Looking back at events in my life that once seemed random, I can smile and thank God for divine wisdom and guidance.
It was from the blessing of baptism, being brought up in the Christian faith and my exposure to diversity from international students, that my joy in knowing all people are made in the image of God began to grow. While growing up, God used the time I had to mature in my faith and go on mission trips to help me fist feel called to His work in Africa when I was fifteen. Later I attended Concordia University Chicago for a degree in Social Work and went to mission conferences every year called Beautiful Feet. I would meet with other missionaries and organizations to share my desire to serve, but never found a position that needed someone with a social work background. I continued to volunteer with children and international students in Chicago hoping serve God wherever He placed me. God then opened the doors for me to study at Stellenbosch University, South Africa during the spring semester of my junior year of college.
While studying in South Africa, I was assigned to do service learning work for a course in Sir Lowry’s Pass Township where I was able to use my passion and interest in HIV/AIDS work by running a support group for children affected by the virus. I fell in love with the country and people of South Africa, and hoped that I would one day be able to go back.
Thankfully, my return to South Africa came sooner rather than later. I received a message from LCMS World Mission three days before I graduated from CUC this past May asking me if I would like to consider applying for a new missionary position in South Africa. After going through the interview process I received my official call for service in Shongweni Village, South Africa in August. In this position the Lutheran Church in Southern Africa has asked me to assist the pastor in caring for the spiritual needs of the people in the village while I work with children who have been orphaned by HIV/AIDS by running support groups and education programs.
God has brought together my love for sharing His saving Word, the interest He has given me in social work, and my desire to work as Christ’s hands and feet for the least of those who are orphaned by HIV/AIDS in this missionary position. It truly is a blessing for me to be able to serve as a missionary, and I am thankful that God directed my path from the very beginning even when I did not realize or expect it.
I am also thankful to God for you. It has been through the prayers of so many that I have been supported and encouraged. God promises never to leave or forsake us, and your support is one way that God has reminded me of this throughout the past several months. As I pack my bags and leave for a new home, I am comforted in knowing that I have new family to meet in Shongweni Village. My brothers and sisters in Christ are there and I am grateful that your support has given the opportunity to go and share with them the eternal life that is ours in Christ Jesus.
Merry Christmas and Blessings on a wonderful New Year!

Love in Christ,

Julia Wehrenberg